this story is mainly the protagonist ishmael employed by dquo colonial struggle; sea whale hunting. captain yakha, a cunning sailor, planned to revenge moby dick, a beluga whale who had destroyed one of his legs on the last voyage. fu starbuck tries to persuade ahab to give up revenge. but the mad old man intimidated him into obeying the order. later, they found the whale, and engage in and after three days and nights, with a harpoon mauby. dick. the whale was provoked, dquo colonial struggle; all rescued seaman sank, only ishmael.
the book shaped a group of unity, cooperation, bravery, thrilling. therefore, moby dick is a classic of marine literature in the world. it determines melveil's lofty status in the american literary world.
at first the masterpiece was not appreciated by the readers, but it was selling badly. until the death of melville's "moby dick", was loved by the people, his reputation in the american literary world also grow with each passing day. perhaps, this is the best consolation for him the spirit of the deceased!
?英语课程标准》更清晰、全面地阐述了英语课程的目的,一是“准”,准确的解读了新课程标准;二是“新”,即体现了素质教新观念、新理论和新要求;三是“实”,即内容充实,资料翔实,语言朴实,有很强的实用性。 提出了具有工具性和人文性相结合的语言课程性质。英语学习不再仅仅是简单地提升学生的综合语言运用能力,还承担着提高学生综合人文素养的任务。通过英语课程的实施,学生能够开阔视野,丰富生活经历,形成跨文化意识,增强爱国主义精神,发展创新能力,形成良好的品格和正确的人生观与价值观。
o.henry,originally named william sydeny porter,was a renowned american writer.he wrote about 300 short stories in his life,and all of his stories were ingeniously conceived and its endings were always contrary to reader"s expectations. when i was still a junior middle school student,i read the o.henry"s short stories at first time,without some profound understanding and appreciation in my mind.at that time,the sense of humor infiltrating in stories is the sole aesthetic acquisition i can gained after reading,with exception of any understanding about the underlying meanings which o.henry was apt to elucidate.but now,picking up these masterpieces after five years,i seemingly can get through some metaphorical thoughts conveyed by o.henry.
it is a univerisal common knowledge that a writer"s articles have firm relationship with his living condition and background.hence,a explicit knowledge of o.henry"s living background is significant.o.henry was born in 1862,when america"s economy was taking off and on the threshold of the second industrial revolution.and he passed away at 1910,just before wwi,without being involved in havoc brought by war.altogether,america enjoyed a steady prosperity in this period.while in the meantime,many new problems occured,accompanying by some new phonemenon such as the monopoly,assembly producting,imperialism,metopolitons and etc,which lead to a confusion and nebulous gratification among us citizens.
most o.henry"s short stories happened in new york,which was regarded as a romantic place.whether this city he created was real or fabricated is ultimately irrelevant.id like to quote a famous critics" sayingthe most noble pursuit of art,then, is not to be a representation of what is real,but to be true to what it is.to illustrate this issue.for instance,in the story,mr. behrman drew a leaf on the wall.but is this wall really keeps its exsistance?is it really located in a unknown corner of new york city? as far as i am concerned,it is just a manifestation of artistic characteristic of o.henry"s writing.whats more,the city also represented much of what was positive about american life:the excitment and endless varity of urban living.whereas,some of his stories focus on other areas as well,like texas and the west,central america,the south,the midest.in his story,it is a rash one who will lay his finger on the map and sayin this town there can be no romance---what could happen here?so,as a distinguished romanticist,he established a marvelous,romantic stroy in nashville.
on the other hand,o.henry"s fictions overwhelmingly show a cue of optimisticism towards usa,an expression of the b faith in the american dream before it become a nightmare.many poor people and immigrants cherish such an america dream,which is nebulous,implicit to some extent.it seemed like that presupposing one has eternal confidence in life,he will recieve his reward in time.so lovers in o.henry"s stories,who often seperated by fate and destiny,were doomed to reunite out of their faith and confidence in hearts.joy,happiness and success also becomes the essence of life.
in conclusion,o.henry made remarkable and collossal contribution to american literature,which has already portrayed as summit of this area.beckoning as it is,these stories really bring us a fabulous aesthetic experience while reading,regardless of his seemingly sentimental expression.
during the summer holiday, i read a fairy story named "beauty and the beast" and i was deeply touched.
the story is once upon a time there was a prince, he isnsquo;t kind and he is lack of compassion. he can't treat each passing old man, also with sticks hustle them. one day, a mage to before him and said: "you are a people person! i didn't want to turn you into a beast. there are five roses, are you five years of life. for five years, you must learn to good, especially have love."
one day, a jeweler lost his way, come to the alace, he plucked a beautiful rose to going to his daughter. see the beast, in anger say: "this is my life, and i will kill you, unless you put your daughter to me." so, beauty came to the beast side, care for her and love her beast, to her warm, let her like staying in their homes as well.
the days passed and the beauty want to see his father, the beast told her to hurry back. beauty home, forget time, magic mirror remind beauty to back as soon as possible to beast side. when the beauty went back to beast, roses last petal beltwas raised-in.the beast went back to the handsome prince.
the story makes me understand that the person should have a heart and should care about others.
during national day holiday, i read "moby dick", the author of this book is the united states · herman melville.
this book is about the hero to marie employed by dquo colonial struggle; sea whale hunting. captain yakha was a cunning old mariner, planning to · moby dick, a white whale who had destroyed one of his last legs, and dick's revenge. the officer tried to persuade ahab starbuck give up revenge, but the crazy old man obeyed him stress. later, they found the white whale, ahab in combat for three days and after the whale anger, sank colonial struggle, all the people only to be rescued marie.
i like the characters in this book very much. the hero, marie, sometimes appears timid and weak, but when he is in trouble, he will think of his dream and try his best to overcome the difficulties. he was friendly and helpful, and all the sailors liked him very much. and to marie's friend, he is an indian, queequeg, weird names. although it looks very ugly, looks very scary, but he is kind-hearted, disaster comes from see god advice, and rescue you.
i also like the plot of the story. it's thrilling and exciting. once, while killing beluga whales. a harpoon hand was the harpoon rope around the neck, was dragged into the whale sea, seeing he was not saved, we have scared kneel on the ground, and queequeg did not hesitate to jump into the sea, risked his life to rescue the harpooners. his amazing courage made everyone like him.
from this book, i realize the hard work of sailing, the bravery and wit of the sailors and the gaff at that time.
i will introduce this book to you, and i hope you will read it.
when i first read "gone with the wind," i felt that the author didnt know what to say, but that the story started with a party. then, once again, perhaps growing up, he read the whole storys twists and turns.
throughout, i felt that the favourite character was scarlett, even though she was wild and cruel and greedy, but at the same time she showed her beauty and shrewdness in her. she doesnt like the women of the time, they are less inhibited, and so pedantic, but scarlett is different, she is a lively and unfettered bird, in such a dark social freedom of flying. when she mistakenly gave ashley her elaborate "dress", her love was wrong. when she didnt understand her feelings and consumed rhetts love, she was wrong again. fortunately, scarlett was strong, and when she made two mistakes, she remembered her fathers words: "the earth is the only land that is with tomorrow." she was not confused or hesitant about her feelings. she believed in tomorrow and she could seize love tomorrow. the main character, scarlett, is such a child, but strong and hopeful.
as ashley said, melanie was so weak and timid, and scarlett was so brave. although scarlett failed in love, her life, her efforts, was clearly successful. when ashley left melanie to scarlett, she kept her promise and took good care of melanie, even though she was upset. during the war, it was difficult for everyone to live, and scarlett supported melanie and her family by her own efforts, even though many of them had been cheated by frank. maybe some people thought she was a real sneaky, mean-spirited, but i couldnt agree that scarlett was doing it to save all the people, and she couldnt destroy her fathers family. scarlett tried so hard, she was persistent and brave to protect everyone.
compared with melanie, scarlett was not a good woman, but she was more real and more empathetic. melanie is too perfect, perfect to the impossible, so she can be a good image of the representative, this is the reason i like scarlett, she is a really alive, human being. in melanie, scarlett first emotion only envy and hate, but in the end, melanies generosity to make her understand that she is like and rely on melanie, after all, mei and seven straight silently behind to help her. scarlett had a heart of tolerance, too, and she was tolerant of melanie during the war. it was such a tolerant heart that she protected melanie and made scarlett see herself.
"gone with the wind" is gorgeous, and it shapes scarlett, a man of her own soul and colorful character. let me know her strength, faith, hard work, perseverance, courage and tolerance from scarlett. the full text also added a lot of interest.
over the course of this semester,i read a moving book:the little prince.it impressed me a lot,especially,the pure but deep emotion(love) between the characters such as the pilot and the little prince,the rose and the little prince,the fox and the little prince.the book remind me of the pure and nice emotion only found in childhood.
the main character our little prince live on a planet named b612 accompany with there volcanoes an a rose who falls in love with him but can not understand each other.consequencely,he leave his planet and his endless travelling.during this period,he come across a diversity of people. from these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd.then he enter earth and found thousands of roses alike.the little prince discovers that his rose is not the only ,plenty of her kind are everywhere, but then he realizes that his rose is special because it is she that i have watered; because it is she that i have put under the glass globe; because it is she that i have sheltered behind the screen. then he fall across the fox.she
teaches the prince it is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye
what impresses me the most is the fox’s words.love is a strange stuff.sometimes we see it but can’t grasp it.yet, true love may be, to some extent, invisible in surface but may last permanent.apart from love, others as well.indeed,sometimes what we consider right turn out to be wrong,what we consider real proves fictitious,what we confused may just turn out to be the truth.the path in searching for truth may long and time-consuming,we should harbour conviction,b will and high hope.no matter what barriade in front of us,we ought to be couragous and face up to the challenge.